
How VoIP Saves Your Business Money

save money with voip

VoIP technology unlike traditional phone services works by transmitting the audio over the internet. If you have ever used WhatsApp, Viber or Skype for making calls then you are aware of how convenient and easy it is. Best of all through the VoIP phone system you can talk to anybody anywhere in the world without having to worry about piling up your phone bill. That is how VoIP works.

How Could VoIP Software Save a Company Money?

By simply replacing the traditional phone system, VoIP phone technology can save your money and it can increase your productivity and profits.

  • Lower Cost of Installation

Installing a traditional telephone system can be expensive and time-consuming. For the majority of start-ups and small businesses, the upfront cost of all the hardware and installation can be affordable.

Upgrading a traditional telephone system to meet your business needs adds to the initial cost since you will have to buy additional hardware and pay for the installation as well. Also, you will need to pay to manually redirect your phone number in case you move your office to a newer location.

On the contrary, a VoIP phone system for business is affordable and easier to install. The complete phone system lives in a cloud, hence there is no need to buy expensive hardware and there is no complex installation involved. You just must select a subscription plan which best meets your business requirements and your budget. Then your VoIP service provider will have your VoIP system set up and running in your office space in no time. At your end, a single piece of software along with a basic headset is all you need to get started.

If you are moving, your office to a newer location then you don’t need to worry. Because your VoIP phone number represents your account not your location. Hence, wherever you go your phone number travels with you. You will just need an IP connection in your new office and you are good to go.

  • Improved Functionality and Mobility Without high Costs

The majority of businesses nowadays operate 24/7. You need to do the same if you wish to stay ahead of the competition. With a legacy phone system, this would mean having employees constantly sitting by phone to answer customer calls. Another disadvantage of these phone systems is that they can’t be integrated with other tools. In you need fax then with the traditional phone system, you will have to install a separate line dedicated to send and receive faxes. And if you want features like voicemail, video chat or conference then you should be ready to pay extra cost for each feature.

VoIP technology takes away all these redundant resources. The majority of VoIP service providers offer a collection of advanced features like custom greeting, call routing, virtual fax, auto-attendant, virtual extension, music on hold and numerous others as part of the subscription plan at no extra cost. Additionally, when it comes to saving your money, these features can also help a small business appear more professional, this plays an important role in allaying potential customers’ fear and getting their trust.

All these advanced VoIP features allow you to plan conference calls while on the go. Other participants can also join in from anywhere around the globe using their smartphones. This takes away the necessity of scheduling conference calls beforehand so that participants from different locations could arrange access to video conference services.

  • Affordable Local and International Calls

VoIP technology allows you to collaborate with global suppliers, branches and buyers from all around the world. This is not just a privilege for giant corporations. Nowadays, even small and medium-sized businesses are operating internationally. Communication is an integral part of functioning efficiently in this new business however with a traditional phone line your monthly phone bill can start to get scary real soon. Since VoIP phone connects calls through internet there are no international or local phone charges to consider. With VoIP, you can talk to your suppliers, customers and employees who are scattered in remote locations around the globe without having to worry about the cost of making unlimited international phone calls.

  • Lower Maintenance Costs

Since VoIP phone systems are cloud-based, they do not rely on much hardware. This means that you don’t need to deal with hardware malfunctions, crashes or any other technical issues which can result in lost revenue. There is a problem only on rare occasions, and even in those rare moments, your VoIP provider will get the issued sorted out immediately at their end. You will not need to wait for a technician to come to your office, spend time in locating the issue and even more time in trying to fix it.

Another issue that has become increasingly common over the past few years is that since traditional phone systems are getting phased out, spare parts are becoming harder to find. The technicians who can repair and maintain these systems are equally hard to find and the few who can repair charge a lot for their services. Paying such high costs to run an antique system just doesn’t make any financial sense.

  • Upgrade Anytime

VoIP phone system provides you the convenience of starting out with a basic plan when you begin and upgrade as your business grows without any additional cost for installation or extra hardware. Whether you want to add a new feature of a new phone number, VoIP makes this easy without having to make key changes to the complete phone system.

As a start-up and right through the growth stage and beyond you won’t ever overpay for features and services that you don’t even need. You will not be charged for unused features, additional capacity or extra lines if you are not using it. VoIP service providers also update your entire phone system frequently to keep up with the ongoing technological developments, so your communication system is top of the line always.

VoIP can also Help You Make More Money

Once you have installed the VoIP phone system you have saved on the on-time cost of installation, the ongoing cost of maintenance and the cost of local and international phone calls. In addition, you get an entire a whole suite of advanced features without having to pay high rates. Besides these significant savings, VoIP system also enhances employee efficiency, which leads to higher outputs and higher profits. If you are thinking of switching to VoIP, then there are some best VoIP providers in the UK.

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