
Work-life balance: How to Successfully Mix Your work and hobbies

What is work-life balance

Companies are paying more and more attention to the concept of work-life balance. This topic is actively discussed in the media, and special sections in Internet resources and even websites are created. Worldwide, media and employers are gradually addressing the work-life balance issue, which is the right step.

What is work-life balance?

The term work-life balance emerged in the late 1980s. The Cambridge Online Dictionary explains it as the ratio of time spent on work to time spent on the things you love: yourself, family, friends, and leisure.

The term balance, in our opinion, is not quite appropriate here. We would rather talk about harmony. If you feel you are missing something in your life, then harmony is broken. But if you feel satisfied and even happy – both at home and at work – then everything is fine. Of course, we all have occasional conflicts or problematic situations, but we are not discussing them. We are talking now about the long-term inner state of a person.

The feeling of balance or harmony is extremely individual for each person, changing more than once during a lifetime. But despite all the individuality, there is one commonality: everyone should strive for such a life balance.

Why is work-life balance disturbed?

Why is work-life balance disturbed

Imbalance manifests itself in different ways: mistakes, strained relations with colleagues, professional burnout, insomnia, constant feeling of discomfort, lack of strength, energy, time for yourself, family, health, sports, and hobbies. If you are familiar with these feelings, then you have first-hand knowledge of the root causes of imbalance.

1. Overworking

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) analyzed country data on the number of working hours per year and the degree of life satisfaction. They concluded that the balance depends largely on the hours spent at work. Overworking jeopardizes people’s safety, affects their health, increases stress levels, and has only a short-term effect.

If you work more than 40-50 hours a week, the effectiveness of additional work quickly diminishes and soon goes into the negative. This is the result of Henry Ford’s analysis, done in the early 20th century, which studied production to maximize profits.

With the method of emergency work, you can achieve better results for a few weeks, but you have to pay for it by recovering later. Plus, you only fall victim to the illusion that work speed has increased. This applies to everything: the number of hours worked per week, the number of minutes you can focus, the number of vacation days per year.

3. Lack of achievement and enjoyment

A sense of harmony and balance in life is not possible if there are no achievements (desired success in some area) and pleasures (enjoyment of something) at the same time. Trying to live only on one side of the coin does not lead to a full sense of happiness.

A person spends up to 80% of their time at work, so it is very important to find a business that you will be truly passionate about. And if your day-to-day work is tedious to the point of horror, it’s better to consider a career change.

4. Career sacrifices

Building a career requires sacrifice, for sure. But not permanently. To find your business and succeed in it, you need to be fully focused on your goal. That is why family, friends, and personal hobbies go to the second plan during this period. And this is neither bad nor good – this is the only opportunity to achieve something in life.

But often, in pursuit of the next goal or peak, a person does not have time to realize that life is not only work. It is very important to stop in time and look around to avoid losing yourself or your loved ones.

Hence, the main advice is to stop, look at who is around you, and organize your life so that there is room in it, not only for work. In other words, harmony and balance in life should always be maintained.

Hiking is the best way to mix your work and hobbies

Stress at work affects mental health. Reduce stress through exercise, relaxation, hobbies, and positive rituals – activities for body and soul.

Hiking is the epitome of seamlessly blending work and hobbies, offering a unique and refreshing solution to achieving a harmonious work-life balance. Not only does it provide an opportunity to engage in a beloved outdoor activity, but it also presents a compelling case for remote work integration.

The allure of hiking lies in its ability to break the conventional barriers of the office space, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature while remaining connected to their professional responsibilities. The advent of remote work has further amplified the compatibility of hiking with one’s career, enabling a dynamic work environment that transcends the confines of a traditional office.

Bookatrekking.com is a reliable hiking company that offers numerous hiking itineraries worldwide. Whether in Europe, Asia, Africa, or South America, you will find hiking trips that suit your fitness level and budget. If you want more information about each itinerary, the Bookatrekking blog offers many in-depth articles for each itinerary.

Hiking allows for strategic pauses, offering moments of rest amidst work demands. These interludes become opportunities for rejuvenation, promoting a healthier mental state and preventing burnout. The inherent rhythm of hiking, with its climbs and descents, mirrors the ebb and flow of a balanced life, symbolizing the importance of pacing oneself to achieve sustainable success.

A work-life balance needs to be maintained at all times

These 5 tips will help you with your work-life balance.

1. Take on no more than eight roles

Throughout our lives, we play various social roles: subordinate, manager, spouse, parent, energetic tennis player, etc. It is estimated if a person plays less than eight social roles – his life is under control. Exceeding this number leads to an imbalance.

How many roles are you currently playing in the theater of your name?

2. Delegate, simplify and say goodbye

Do what’s important. Delegate the rest, simplify, or say goodbye to tasks and plans.

Work addiction (workaholism) is often a blind belief that only hard work can achieve success and wealth. But often, such a postulate turns into a “drug addiction”, work for the sake of work, inability to delegate, and disorganization.

3. Set boundaries and follow a schedule

Keep track of how many hours you spend working (per week or month, not per day) using an hourly planner to better manage your time. Remember, this also includes time spent worrying or thinking about work-life balance. All of these are among the signs of work stress.

Spend your commute from work to get in tune with your personal life. Work should be left at work and not brought into the house.

4. Stick to the perfect formula for productivity

Practice total immersion. If the complexity of the task far exceeds your skills, that’s an area of stress. If you know how to do far more than you need to do – that’s the area of boredom. By balancing stress and boredom, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in your work and not be distracted by stimuli. 

Beware of false breaks and useless internet surfing. Breaks are better to plan and strictly adhere to them.

Speak about inflated demands to the management. Do not hesitate. It is the manager who is responsible for the correct organization of work. Excessive and frequent overwork will result in a person simply being exhausted, which means that he simply does not have enough energy for constructive solutions or new ideas.

5. Make time for loved ones

To work and rest, according to the ideas of British billionaire Richard Branson, it is necessary to always work to the fullest. Just because you’re working hard on your career doesn’t mean you can’t live life fully the rest of the time. Prioritize time with your nearest and dearest. Put it on your work calendar just as you would a meeting. Go ahead and relax.


Achieving a harmonious work-life balance that integrates professional responsibilities with personal passions is undoubtedly challenging yet rewarding. By recognizing the significance of boundaries, effective time management, and the rejuvenating power of hobbies, individuals can foster a sense of equilibrium that contributes to overall well-being and sustained productivity.

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